Today’s post is long overdue, but I wanted to wait for the right time since it has a more personal note to it and is much more intimate than just the regular holistic experiences shared so far.
So, there are holistic experiences that I shared so far in this Holistic Experiences blog posts and are still considered a holistic experience, but they do indeed target more of a surface-level dimension. For example, when we go to the spa to get a massage, if a therapist is highly trained and has a sense of energy field and a highly developed presence to be with a client, it is still considered holistic—it does work to release the nervous system, helps with regulating stress levels, and more. So, all the previous blog posts are still about holistic experiences but this one is a next level – THE WORK of Sasha Cobra – read more to find out what does that mean.
But first, why do I consider some of the holisitc experiences from previous posts more surface-level experiences?
Because I’ve had experiences in my life that are profoundly deep—they did not require any “fancy-smancy” luxurious, materialistic tools per se. However, they did require a great amount of presence, compassion, connection, and knowledge (of life itself).
So for me, Sasha Cobra is the one who takes you or should I say offers you the opportunity to dive in to the real holistic experience of life itself. I did say that this post would be more personal, and I haven’t shared much personal stuff in public before. But I do feel the need to share it because if I am willing to share that, to be vulnerable with my feelings and the process of where life is taking me, then there is space for you to open up to the truth inside of you as well.
The first time I experienced Sasha’s work was in January 2019 at a workshop for women. It was only half a year after I returned home from living in the States for 4.5 years, graduating college with a psychology degree, starting my first yoga teacher training where I shed and peeled off many conditioned layers, and finishing my 18-year-long swimming career. My transition back to living in the same environment where I was a child was extremely hard, and the process of finding my own path was very difficult at that time.
I had become so sensitive to being around people, loud noises, and heavy smells, and many times I had the feeling that I was going to die. Especially triggering for me was a siren noise—my heart would start pumping, and I’d feel like, I was going to die. I was very fragile, and I didn’t really know what I was supposed to do with my life or what drives me to get up. It was a feeling of being lost, alone and confused.
Going back to the workshop in 2019, even though it was more than five years ago, I still remember how my body released so much energy. I had spasms in my hands and wrists—we were learning how to be in the body while moving it in circular motions. The spasms happened during the time of stillness. Again, my fear of dying showed up, but the pulsation and the energy were so strong inside me that I felt a powerful pull from my shoulders to my wrists. My body trembled for quite a while, and after we finished, I felt like an infant who had just started exploring the world.
With that in mind, that workshop changed so much for me. I intuitively knew it would take time to learn how to “live again,” and I knew the life I had before was just not working anymore. Sasha’s work has come into my life every time I needed it. In 2019, it was like a small light of hope, and ever since that workshop, I have slowly started to explore what it means for me to live to be alive and full of life. Of course, there were so many challenges and ups and downs. But that feeling inside of me—the feeling that was evoked during that workshop—escalated, and I started to explore it in every aspect of my life. Many times, especially in the beginning of exploring on my own, I was able to feel a lot of energy moving inside me—orgasmic and pleasurable—I explored it with as much force as I had known. I approached it the way I had been operating through life, as I had learned through swimming: to push, pull, and fight. But slowly, very slowly, it softened me. It showed me a more subtle way into the field.
I am well aware that there is still so much I hold and carry, but I also know that learning from Sasha helps me understand the conditionings I carry—what I hold, how I should be, who I should be, what to do and when the mind wants to take over,… the way Sasha teaches is very applicable to life and its struggles we encounter.
I have been following her teachings since that workshop and have attended a couple of her workshops online. Until recently this year, I signed up for Energy Tune at the beginning of November, and it’s like I stepped into this field again when I needed it so much. Definitely, I was not going through such painful processes as in 2019, but I did feel a lot of intensity in my body. My intention was to “heal a broken heart,” but sooner than I realized—after the first Energy Tune—I understood there is a much bigger picture than just healing a broken heart.
I am so happy that Sasha talks about life—how to relate, how to see and feel from a different perspective, and most importantly, what she does when she does not speak.
Thanks to Sasha, life showed me how to move sexual energy in my body and how to feel it. Along the way, I learned that this is the purest and most loving energy, which most of the time leaves me in tears, open, relaxed and connected. It allows me to be in my body – present. And yes, it is still very different when I am guided by Sasha in her in Energy Tune because every time, I learn that there is so much more space to slow down and allow more softness to come in. More and more, I learn how subtle life is.
My intention was to sign up for a month, maybe stay for anoter month, and then go on, but even after the second Sunday of Energy Tune, I realized how important this is for my being and my soul. It’s like deciding to live a healthier lifestyle and eat healthy food for a couple of days, only to go back to old habits.
I realised that her work is so important for myself and for humanity becaseu of how real she is. I’ve encountered a lot of people in the “spiritual” world, but her work is very natural and pure. With other teachers, I felt things were forced into places and fields (and I’m not saying everyone is like that – because I did not work with a lof of people but the ones that I did – they did not have the purity and “naturalness” to their work – also consider that this is my personal experience).
With Sasha, energy work is natural, real and pure. It gives us space, encouragement, and opportunity, but it is never forced, controlled, or manipulated. It flows with life, as this purity should, when working with such subtle fields and when working with people in general.
I did notice that it comes down to presence. The way I experience her work is pure presence, and it is pretty rare to find a teacher who has this capacity. I would recommend everyone not only think critically but also feel into who they choose as a teacher.
At the end of the day, Sasha’s work is not about sexuality—it is about the purity of life. And that, in itself, is all about this orgasmic energy.
Another thing I want to share is that during one Energy Tune, someone in the comments wrote about wanting to release ancestral fear. Before every session, we set intentions, and without even knowing it, that became part of my healing process as well. That, for me, was incredible because Sasha mentioned that there is a field of resonance and we are in it together. Not in person literally, but there is so, so much more than the human eye can see.
I am becoming more and more aware that we are more connected than we realize—not just the community Sasha has built (which is incredible), but with people, animals, plants, and everything alive.
So, if you are looking for a community full of love, truth, realness, shared struggles, and compassion, I would highly recommend joining Sasha’s work and staying in it. I’ve realized it’s about learning and unlearning, and we do need consistency. The consistency of being and resonating with purity, love, and softness is not just what you need—it’s what the world needs. For that, I am wholeheartedly grateful that I came across her work and that I can explore my own being in a place like that.
Her Energy Tunes are on Sundays at 1 PM NY time (CET).
This is a holistic experience that goes beyond the surface—it goes right into the core. I have experienced that many times. Spirit brought me to her work because it knew that this is what it longed for—a space where its resonance is love.
I do wish for more of that, for more people in the world who—no matter what—choose love and are willing to surrender to it. As Sasha said in one of her videos, the work she does is like jumpstarting a car—your body. If the battery inside is dead, it needs a jumpstart (of course, if you want to experience the realness and authenticity of your soul—if not, the dead battery will do).
I needed so much to have a jumpstart for my body the first time I encountered Sasha. I’ve changed my life drastically since then. But as human as I am, I needed this jumpstart again. I might need it many more times in my life. I’ve also learned how to keep it running for a while, but I’ve gotten lost along the way, relearned, and realized that in order for it to be self-sufficient, it is my choice to keep up the maintenance.
That’s what the Energy Tune is for—for maintenance but also to connect and share the experience of life.
So, here’s my final thought: In order to live fully and presently in the body, it requires a lot of work, patience, compassion, and presence. That’s hard, but it’s much easier if you have a community and the support of someone who is in service to love and truth—and that’s where Sasha’s work comes in.
This is her website: and she does shares a library full of insights about spirituality, sexuality, relating, being and love.